Maroney's partners with Eureka Recycling to sort and market the recycling we collect.
Do you want to see how the recycling we collect is sorted?  Click the link to watch a 10 minute video show how all of your recycling is sorted and marketed.

Note: recycling markets are currently very week.  There is a cost for us to recycle.  We are hoping recycling markets with rebound in 2024.

Recycling Service:

Maroney's collects recycling single-sort.  So we provide a recycling cart and all of your recycling should be placed in the cart for pickup.  We typically collect recycling every other week.  We have found collecting this way is efficient and reduces wear and tear on roads.  You can click on the link below to see what you should place in your recycling cart.  Please stick to materials on the flyer.  Do not put materials in your cart if they are not on the flyer.  And remember, do not put plastic bags in your recycling.  Some types of plastic bags can be recycled at grocery stores, but they should not be placed in recycling carts.
Still have questions about specific items?
Click this link and type in the item.  Our processing partner Eureka Recycling will tell you if the item can be recycled.

Bi-Weekly vs Weekly Collection (why we support bi-weekly):

From time-to-time customers call and inquire about weekly collection of recycling. We have offered weekly collection in the past. Data collected from weekly collection has given us interesting results that still support bi-weekly collection as the best option for recycling.


Weekly collection typically only increases the amount of recycling collected by around 2%. In some instances, there is no increase in the tonnage of recycling collected. This minimal increase in recycling collected is not cost effective and is also a step in the wrong direction for the environment and many other reasons. Weekly collection results in a 50% increase in fuel consumption, 50% increase in labor costs, 50% increase in wear and tear on roads. These factors alone make it an undesirable option for only a minimal if any gain in material collected.  Many peoples increased needs for recycling can be handled by an increase in the size of their recycling cart, or an additional cart.

Click the image for a larger view
Recycling Notes:

Here are a few things we can do to help recycling efforts:

#1: NO PLASTIC BAGS!  Plastic bags should not be placed in recycling.  They clog up sorting equipment and greatly increase processing costs.

#2: NO TRASH.  Please do not put trash in the recycling bin.  Diapers, scrap metal, dirt, compost.  These are just a few common items we are seeing in recycling carts.  These items do not belong in your household recycling cart.  This picture is an example of what NOT to put in your recycling cart.  As you can see, there is dirt, a downspout/rain gutter (scrap metal) and a plastic bag of compost.  Almost everything in this cart is not acceptable as recycling.  Trash in recycling is a large contributor to the decline of the value of recyclables .

Simple Single-Sort Recycling!
Maroney's collects recycling using the single-sort method of recycling.  We provide you with a single 64 gallon recycling cart.  You can mix all of your materials in this simple to use recycling cart.  For details of what can be recycled in your cart, click the recycling flyer link below.

Electronics, TV’s, computers, batteries, household chemicals, paints and more.

You can recycle these items at the Washington County Environmental Center.  These items should not be thrown in your weekly trash.  Most of these items will be accepted for no charge.

Why can't we recycle Christmas wrapping paper?


Generally wrapping paper contains many materials that make it not recyclable.  Wrapping paper often contains dyes and laminates, as well as metals and plastics embedded in the paper itself.  In addition, many wrapping papers use bright metal inks.  While some wrapping papers are recyclable, too many are not making it to difficult for recyclers to differentiate.  Please dispose of wrapping papers with your regular trash.

Why can't we recycle paper egg cartons?
Paper egg cartons are made from very short fibers.  So they are made from recycled papers already and cannot be recycled again.  This is the same reason we cannot recycle toliet paper or paper towel rolls (the cardboard looking roll in the middle).
Our recycling center is seeing an alarming increase in sharps (needles and syringes).  SHARPS ARE NOT RECYCLABLE.  The State of Minnesota allows disposal of sharps along with trash as long as they are placed in a sealed container (example: laundry detergent bottle).  Just remember, sharps can NOT be placed with recycling.  Sharps pose a real danger to recycle sorting personnel.  NEVER place sharps in your recycling.
What gives?  A trash truck picked my recycling????
Did you see a garbage truck picking your recycling?  We are using the same type collection vehicles to collect both trash and recycling.  This does not mean we are trashing your recycling!  We are still bringing your recycling to a recycling center for separation.  And you still need to keep trash and recycling separate.  When we collect your trash, we bring it to the resource recovery facility in Newport, Minnesota.  When we collect your recycling, it goes to a recycling separation facility in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  So, if you see a garbage truck taking your recycling, it is being hauled to a single-sort recycling center and recycled not trashed.
Thank you!

West Lakeland customers:

If you live in West Lakeland, your trash and recycling are seperate.  West Lakeland Township handles the recycling provider.  For information on your recycling days you should visit your Township's web site.  Maroney's is your trash service provider.  The holiday calendar you received is valid for your trash pickup.  However, only the holiday changes pertain to West Lakeland.  Our "green week" and "brown week" have nothing to do with West Lakeland's recycling schedules.  West Lakeland's recycling service provider dictates your recycling schedule.  It is our understanding the pickup days have changed.  West Lakeland has been split into 2 separate pickup days.  If you are confused by which week you are picked up on, click the link provided in this paragraph.  View the map and determine your pickup day based on the map.